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Account Required

In order to apply, you will either need to log in or register for an account:

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Park Inspection Volunteers Questions

Certification & Release

DPR Release and Waiver of Liability for Volunteers

I want to volunteer my services to the City and County of Denver, Department of Parks and Recreation. I certify that I understand the inherent risks associated with acting as a volunteer including the risk of physical injury or death. I further understand that I risk aggravating any preexisting physical condition I may have and that I am hereby advised to consult with a physician prior to engaging in any major physical exertion as may occur in providing these volunteer services.

I understand that while my volunteer services will be at the direction of the Department of Parks and Recreation, its officers and employees, I am nevertheless not an employee of the City and County of Denver within the meaning of the Colorado Workers’ Compensation Act or for any other purpose at the time of my performance of these volunteer services. I further understand that no employee/employer relationship is created between myself and the City and County of Denver or the Department of Parks and Recreation and that I will receive no compensation of any kind for my participation as a volunteer.

In consideration of the City and County of Denver allowing me to participate as a volunteer, which may include riding as a passenger in a City and County of Denver vehicle, I agree not to sue and forever release, waive and discharge the City and County of Denver and its officers, employees, agents, representatives, and the various sponsoring agencies and entities (hereinafter referred collectively as “Releasees”) from any and all liability to me or my personal representatives, assigns, heirs, children, dependents, spouse and relatives for any and all claims, causes of action, losses, judgments, costs, demands or damages that are caused by or arise from any injury to me (including death) or loss or damage to my property regardless of the cause(s) of such injury, loss or damage. I assume all risks associated with my participation as a volunteer. I understand to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the Releasees from and against any and all liabilities, claims, liens, actions, causes of action, costs or expenses of any nature whatsoever arising from any damage, loss, or injury (including death) causes by me, in whole or part, or directly associated with my actions or inactions as a volunteer.

I understand that the City and County of Denver shall not be responsible for loss or theft of personal property, or damage to personal property caused by City employees and officers, other volunteers, or the public. I understand photos will be taken at this event and you have my permission of “free use of any photos”

I hereby acknowledge that I have carefully read this entire document, that I fully understand its contents, that I am over the age of 18, that I am signing this document of my own free will and without coercion, and that I intend for this document to be legally binding. To the extent permitted by law, this document shall include my child or children and my capacity as guardian for my child or children if I am signing on behalf of my minor child or children who will participate as a volunteer(s).











Parent/Guardian Release for Minor

Account Required

In order to apply, you will either need to log in or register for an account:
